
Julia 语言中,变量是与某个值相关联(或绑定)的名字。你可以用它来保存一个值(例如某些计算得到的结果),供之后的代码使用。例如:

# 将 10 赋值给变量 x
julia> x = 10

# 使用 x 的值做计算
julia> x + 1

# 重新给 x 赋值
julia> x = 1 + 1

# 也可以给 x 赋其它类型的值, 比如字符串文本
julia> x = "Hello World!"
"Hello World!"

Julia 提供了非常灵活的变量命名策略。变量名是大小写敏感的,且不包含语义,意思是说,Julia 不会根据变量的名字来区别对待它们。 (译者注:Julia 不会自动将全大写的变量识别为常量,也不会将有特定前后缀的变量自动识别为某种特定类型的变量,即不会根据变量名字,自动判断变量的任何属性。)

julia> x = 1.0

julia> y = -3

julia> Z = "My string"
"My string"

julia> customary_phrase = "Hello world!"
"Hello world!"

julia> UniversalDeclarationOfHumanRightsStart = "人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。"

你还可以使用 UTF-8 编码的 Unicode 字符作为变量名:

julia> δ = 0.00001

julia> 안녕하세요 = "Hello"

在 Julia REPL 和一些其它 Julia 的编辑器中,很多 Unicode 数学符号可以使用反斜杠加 LaTeX 符号接 tab 健打出。例如: 变量名 δ 可以通过 \delta-tab 来输入,甚至可以用 \alpha-tab-\hat-tab-\^(2)-tab来输入 α̂⁽²⁾ 这种复杂的变量名。(如果你在某个地方发现了一个不知道怎么输入的符号,比如在别人的代码里,输入? 接着复制那个符号,REPL的帮助功能会告诉你输入方法。)

如果有需要的话,Julia 甚至允许你重定义内置常量和函数。(这样做可能引发潜在的混淆,所以并不推荐)

julia> pi = 3

julia> pi

julia> sqrt = 4

然而,如果你试图重定义一个已经在使用中的内置常量或函数,Julia 会报错:

julia> pi
π = 3.1415926535897...

julia> pi = 3
ERROR: cannot assign a value to imported variable Base.pi from module Main

julia> sqrt(100)

julia> sqrt = 4
ERROR: cannot assign a value to imported variable Base.sqrt from module Main


变量名字必须以英文字母(A-Z 或 a-z)、下划线或编码大于 00A0 的 Unicode 字符的一个子集开头。 具体来说指的是,Unicode字符分类中的 Lu/Ll/Lt/Lm/Lo/Nl(字母)、Sc/So(货币和其他符号)以及一些其它像字母的符号(例如 Sm 类别数学符号中的一部分)。 变量名的非首字符还允许使用惊叹号 !、数字(包括 0-9 和其他 Nd/No 类别中的 Unicode 字符)以及其它 Unicode 字符:变音符号和其他修改标记(Mn/Mc/Me/Sk 类别)、标点和连接符(Pc 类别)、引号和少许其他字符。

+ 这样的运算符也是合法的标识符,但是它们会被特别地解析。 在一些上下文中,运算符可以像变量一样使用,比如 (+) 表示加函数,语句 (+) = f会把它重新赋值。大部分 Unicode 中缀运算符(Sm 类别),像 ,会被解析成真正的中缀运算符,并且支持用户自定义方法(举个例子,你可以使用语句 const ⊗ = kron 定义为中缀的 Kronecker 积)。 运算符也可以使用修改标记、引号和上标/下标进行加缀,例如 +̂ₐ″ 被解析成一个与 + 具有相同优先级的中缀运算符。以下标/上标字母结尾的运算符与后续变量名之间需要一个空格。举个例子,如果 +ᵃ 是一个运算符,那么 +ᵃx 应该被写为+ᵃ x,以区分表达式 + ᵃx ,其中 ᵃx 是变量名。

一类特定的变量名是只包含下划线的变量名。这些标识符只能赋值,不能用于给其他变量赋值。 这些标识符只能赋值,赋值后会立即丢弃,因此不能用于为其他变量赋值。 严格来说,它们只能用作 左值(rvalues) 而不能作右值。

julia> x, ___ = size([2 2; 1 1])
(2, 2)

julia> y = ___
ERROR: syntax: all-underscore identifier used as rvalue

julia> println(___)
ERROR: syntax: all-underscore identifier used as rvalue

The only explicitly disallowed names for variables are the names of the built-in Keywords:

julia> else = false
ERROR: syntax: unexpected "else"

julia> try = "No"
ERROR: syntax: unexpected "="

Some Unicode characters are considered to be equivalent in identifiers. Different ways of entering Unicode combining characters (e.g., accents) are treated as equivalent (specifically, Julia identifiers are NFC. Julia also includes a few non-standard equivalences for characters that are visually similar and are easily entered by some input methods. The Unicode characters ɛ (U+025B: Latin small letter open e) and µ (U+00B5: micro sign) are treated as equivalent to the corresponding Greek letters. The middle dot · (U+00B7) and the Greek interpunct · (U+0387) are both treated as the mathematical dot operator (U+22C5). The minus sign (U+2212) is treated as equivalent to the hyphen-minus sign - (U+002D).

Assignment expressions and assignment versus mutation

An assignment variable = value "binds" the name variable to the value computed on the right-hand side, and the whole assignment is treated by Julia as an expression equal to the right-hand-side value. This means that assignments can be chained (the same value assigned to multiple variables with variable1 = variable2 = value) or used in other expressions, and is also why their result is shown in the REPL as the value of the right-hand side. (In general, the REPL displays the value of whatever expression you evaluate.) For example, here the value 4 of b = 2+2 is used in another arithmetic operation and assignment:

julia> a = (b = 2+2) + 3

julia> a

julia> b

A common confusion is the distinction between assignment (giving a new "name" to a value) and mutation (changing a value). If you run a = 2 followed by a = 3, you have changed the "name" a to refer to a new value 3 … you haven't changed the number 2, so 2+2 will still give 4 and not 6! This distinction becomes more clear when dealing with mutable types like arrays, whose contents can be changed:

julia> a = [1,2,3] # an array of 3 integers
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> b = a   # both b and a are names for the same array!
3-element Vector{Int64}:

Here, the line b = a does not make a copy of the array a, it simply binds the name b to the same array a: both b and a "point" to one array [1,2,3] in memory. In contrast, an assignment a[i] = value changes the contents of the array, and the modified array will be visible through both the names a and b:

julia> a[1] = 42     # change the first element

julia> a = 3.14159   # a is now the name of a different object

julia> b   # b refers to the original array object, which has been mutated
3-element Vector{Int64}:

That is, a[i] = value (an alias for setindex!) mutates an existing array object in memory, accessible via either a or b. Subsequently setting a = 3.14159 does not change this array, it simply binds a to a different object; the array is still accessible via b. The other common syntax to mutate an existing object is a.field = value (an alias for setproperty!), which can be used to change a mutable struct.

When you call a function in Julia, it behaves as if you assigned the argument values to new variable names corresponding to the function arguments, as discussed in Argument-Passing Behavior. (By convention, functions that mutate one or more of their arguments have names ending with !.)


虽然 Julia 语言对合法名字的限制非常少,但是遵循以下这些命名规范是非常有用的:

  • 变量的名字采用小写。
  • 使用下划线('_')来分隔名字中的单词,但是不鼓励使用下划线 除非在不使用下划线时名字会非常难读。
  • 类型 (Type) 和模块(Module)的名字使用大写字母开头,并且用大写字母 而不是用下划线分隔单词。
  • 函数(function)和宏(macro)的名字使用小写,不使用下划线。
  • 会对输入参数进行更改的函数要使用 ! 结尾。这些函数有时叫做 “mutating” 或 “in-place” 函数,因为它们在被调用后会修改他们的输入参数的内容 而不仅仅只是返回一个值。
