


  1. 代码包含:例如 include("source.jl")。包含允许你把一个程序拆分为多个源文件。表达式 include("source.jl") 使得文件 source.jl 的内容在出现 include 调用的模块的全局作用域中执行。如果多次调用 include("source.jl")source.jl 就被执行多次。source.jl 的包含路径解释为相对于出现 include 调用的文件路径。重定位源文件子树因此变得简单。在 REPL 中,包含路径为当前工作目录,即 pwd()
  2. 加载包:例如 import Xusing Ximport 通过加载包 ( 一个独立的,可重用的 Julia 代码集合,包含在一个模块中 ),并导入模块内部的名称 X,使得模块 X 可用。 如果在同一个 Julia 会话中,多次导入包 X,那么后续导入模块为第一次导入模块的引用。 应该注意,import X 可以在不同的上下文中加载不同的包:X 可以引用主工程中名为 X 的一个包,但他们可能依赖的包是完全不同的。 更多机制说明如下。



除非你想了解 Julia 中包加载的技术细节,你才需要阅读本章。如果你只想安装和使用包,只需使用 Julia 的内置包管理器来往你的环境中添加包,并在你的代码中编写 import Xusing X 来使用已经添加的包。

一个 包(package) 就是一个源码树,其标准布局中提供了其他 Julia 项目可以复用的功能。包可以使用 import Xusing X 语句加载,名为 X 的模块在加载包代码时生成,并在包含该 import 语句的模块中可用。import XX 的含义与上下文有关:程序加载哪个 X 包取决于 import 语句出现的位置。import X 的效果取决于以下两个问题:

  1. 在上下文中,哪个包是 X
  2. X 包在哪里能够被找到?

想要知道 Julia 对这些问题的回答,重点在于理解包的加载机制。


Julia 支持包的联合管理。这意味着多个独立的部分可以维护公有包和私有包,以及这些包的注册表,并且项目可以依赖于一系列来自不同注册表的公有包和私有包。您也可以使用一组通用工具和工作流(workflow)来安装和管理来自各种注册表的包。Julia 0.7/1.0 附带的 Pkg 软件包管理器允许您通过创建和操作项目文件来安装和管理项目的依赖项,而项目清单描述了项目所依赖的内容以及项目完整依赖库的确切版本的快照。

联合管理的一个可能后果是没有包命名的中央权限。不同组织可以使用相同的名称来引用不相关的包。这并不是没有可能的,因为这些组织可能没有协作,甚至不知道彼此。由于缺乏中央命名权限,单个项目很可能最终依赖着具有相同名称的不同包。 Julia 的包加载机制通过不要求包名称是全局唯一的来解决这一问题,即使在单个项目的依赖关系图中也是如此。相反,包由通用唯一标识符 (UUID)进行标识,这些标识符在注册之前分配给它们。问题“什么是 X ?”通过确定 X 的UUID来回答。

由于去中心化的命名问题有些抽象,因此可以通过具体情境来理解问题。假设你正在开发一个名为 App 的应用程序,它使用两个包: PubPrivPriv 是你创建的私有包,而 Pub 是你使用但不控制的公共包。当你创建 Priv 时,该名称没有公共包。然而,随后一个名为 Priv 的不相关软件包发布并变得流行起来,而且 Pub 包已经开始使用它了。因此,当你下次升级 Pub 以获取最新的错误修复和特性时,除了升级之外,App 将会停止工作——这取决于两个名为 Priv 的不同包。App 直接依赖于你的私有 Priv 包,以及通过 Pub 在新的公共 Priv 包上的间接依赖。由于这两个 Priv 包是不同的,但是 App 继续正常工作依赖于他们两者,因此表达式 import Priv 必须引用不同的 Priv 包,具体取决于它是出现在 App 的代码中还是出现在 Pub 的代码中。Julia的包加载机制允许通过上下文和UUID区分两个 Priv 包,这种区分的工作原理取决于环境,如以下各节所述。


环境决定了 import Xusing X 语句在不同的代码上下文中的含义以及什么文件会被加载。Julia 有三类环境(environment):

  1. 项目环境(project environment)是包含项目文件和清单文件(可选)的目录。项目文件确定项目的直接依赖项的名称和标识。清单文件(如果存在)提供完整的依赖关系图,包括所有直接和间接依赖关系,每个依赖的确切版本以及定位和加载正确版本的足够信息。
  2. 包目录(package directory)是包含一组包的源码树子目录的目录。这种环境是 Julia 0.6 及更早版本中唯一存在的环境。如果 X 是包目录的子目录并且存在 X/src/X.jl,那么程序包 X 在包目录环境中可用,而 X/src/X.jl 是加载它使用的源文件。
  3. 堆栈环境(stacked environment)是一组有序的项目环境和包目录,重叠为一个复合环境,其中组成环境的所有可用包都可用。例如,Julia 的负载路径是一个堆栈环境。


作为一种抽象,环境提供了三个映射:根路径 roots ,依赖关系 graph 和路径 paths。当解释运行 import X 时,rootsgraph 用于确定 X 的身份并回答问题“什么是 X?”,同时使用 paths 关系找到 X 的源代码并回答问题“哪里是 X?”这三个映射的具体作用是:



为了清楚地说明,本章中的示例包括 rootsgraphpaths 的数据结构实现。不过这些映射实际上只是一种抽象。事实上,为了提高效率,Julia 的包加载代码实际上并没有实现它们。相反,加载一个给定包是通过查询它们的内建 API,并简单地只计算所必需的结构实现的。

项目环境(Project environments)

项目环境由包含项目文件 Project.toml 的目录以及清单文件(可选)Manifest.toml确定。这些文件也可以命名为 JuliaProject.tomlJuliaManifest.toml,此时 Project.tomlManifest.toml 被忽略——这允许项目与可能需要名为 Project.tomlManifest.toml 文件的其他重要工具共存。但是对于纯 Julia 项目,名称 Project.tomlManifest.toml 应是首选。项目环境的 rootsgraphpaths 映射定义如下。

roots 映射 在环境中由其项目文件的内容决定,特别是它的顶级 nameuuid 条目及其 [deps] 部分(全部是可选的)。考虑以下一个假想的应用程序 App 的示例项目文件,如上所述:

name = "App"
uuid = "8f986787-14fe-4607-ba5d-fbff2944afa9"

Priv = "ba13f791-ae1d-465a-978b-69c3ad90f72b"
Pub  = "c07ecb7d-0dc9-4db7-8803-fadaaeaf08e1"

如果它被实现为 Julia 字典,那么这个项目文件意味着以下 roots 映射:

roots = Dict(
    :App  => UUID("8f986787-14fe-4607-ba5d-fbff2944afa9"),
    :Priv => UUID("ba13f791-ae1d-465a-978b-69c3ad90f72b"),
    :Pub  => UUID("c07ecb7d-0dc9-4db7-8803-fadaaeaf08e1"),

基于这个 root 映射,在 App 的代码中,语句 import Priv 将使 Julia 查找 roots[:Priv],这将得到 ba13f791-ae1d-465a-978b-69c3ad90f72b,也就是要在这一部分加载的 Priv 包的 UUID。当主应用程序解释运行到 import Priv 时,此 UUID 标识了要加载和使用的 Priv 包。

manifest 文件存在,则项目环境的 依赖图 由文件内容决定;否则依赖图为空。 manifest 文件包含一个个项目所需的直接依赖和间接依赖的节(stanza),每个节包括依赖的 UUID、源码树的哈希值或显式指向源代码的路径。 考虑以下示例 Appmanifest 文件:

[[Priv]] # the private one
deps = ["Pub", "Zebra"]
uuid = "ba13f791-ae1d-465a-978b-69c3ad90f72b"
path = "deps/Priv"

[[Priv]] # the public one
uuid = "2d15fe94-a1f7-436c-a4d8-07a9a496e01c"
git-tree-sha1 = "1bf63d3be994fe83456a03b874b409cfd59a6373"
version = "0.1.5"

uuid = "c07ecb7d-0dc9-4db7-8803-fadaaeaf08e1"
git-tree-sha1 = "9ebd50e2b0dd1e110e842df3b433cb5869b0dd38"
version = "2.1.4"

  Priv = "2d15fe94-a1f7-436c-a4d8-07a9a496e01c"
  Zebra = "f7a24cb4-21fc-4002-ac70-f0e3a0dd3f62"

uuid = "f7a24cb4-21fc-4002-ac70-f0e3a0dd3f62"
git-tree-sha1 = "e808e36a5d7173974b90a15a353b564f3494092f"
version = "3.4.2"

这个清单文件描述了 App 项目可能的完整依赖关系图:


graph = Dict{UUID,Dict{Symbol,UUID}}(
    # Priv – the private one:
    UUID("ba13f791-ae1d-465a-978b-69c3ad90f72b") => Dict{Symbol,UUID}(
        :Pub   => UUID("c07ecb7d-0dc9-4db7-8803-fadaaeaf08e1"),
        :Zebra => UUID("f7a24cb4-21fc-4002-ac70-f0e3a0dd3f62"),
    # Priv – the public one:
    UUID("2d15fe94-a1f7-436c-a4d8-07a9a496e01c") => Dict{Symbol,UUID}(),
    # Pub:
    UUID("c07ecb7d-0dc9-4db7-8803-fadaaeaf08e1") => Dict{Symbol,UUID}(
        :Priv  => UUID("2d15fe94-a1f7-436c-a4d8-07a9a496e01c"),
        :Zebra => UUID("f7a24cb4-21fc-4002-ac70-f0e3a0dd3f62"),
    # Zebra:
    UUID("f7a24cb4-21fc-4002-ac70-f0e3a0dd3f62") => Dict{Symbol,UUID}(),

给定这个依赖图,当 Julia 看到 Pub 包中的 import Priv ——它有 UUIDc07ecb7d-0dc9-4db7-8803-fadaaeaf08e1 时,它会查找:


and gets 2d15fe94-a1f7-436c-a4d8-07a9a496e01c , which indicates that in the context of the Pub package, import Priv refers to the public Priv package, rather than the private one which the app depends on directly. This is how the name Priv can refer to different packages in the main project than it does in one of the packages dependencies, which allows for name collisions in the package ecosystem.

What happens if import Zebra is evaluated in the main App code base? Since Zebra does not appear in the project file, the import will fail even though Zebra does appear in the manifest file. Moreover, if import Zebra occurs in the public Priv package—the one with UUID 2d15fe94-a1f7-436c-a4d8-07a9a496e01c—then that would also fail since that Priv package has no declared dependencies in the manifest file and therefore cannot load any packages. The Zebra package can only be loaded by packages for which it appear as an explicit dependency in the manifest file: the Pub package and one of the Priv packages.

The paths map of a project environment is also determined by the manifest file if present and is empty if there is no manifest. The path of a package uuid named X is determined by these two rules:

  1. If the manifest stanza matching uuid has a path entry, use that path relative to the manifest file.
  2. Otherwise, if the manifest stanza matching uuid has a git-tree-sha1 entry, compute a deterministic hash function of uuid and git-tree-sha1—call it slug—and look for packages/X/$slug in each directory in the Julia DEPOT_PATH global array. Use the first such directory that exists.

If applying these rules doesn't find a loadable path, the package should be considered not installed and the system should raise an error or prompt the user to install the appropriate package version.

In the example manifest file above, to find the path of the first Priv package—the one with UUID ba13f791-ae1d-465a-978b-69c3ad90f72b—Julia looks for its stanza in the manifest file, sees that it has a path entry, looks at deps/Priv relative to the App project directory—let's suppose the App code lives in /home/me/projects/App—sees that /home/me/projects/App/deps/Priv exists and therefore loads Priv from there.

If, on the other hand, Julia was loading the other Priv package—the one with UUID 2d15fe94-a1f7-436c-a4d8-07a9a496e01c—it finds its stanza in the manifest, see that it does not have a path entry, but that it does have a git-tree-sha1 entry. It then computes the slug for this UUID/SHA-1 pair, which is HDkr (the exact details of this computation aren't important, but it is consistent and deterministic). This means that the path to this Priv package will be packages/Priv/HDkr/src/Priv.jl in one of the package depots. Suppose the contents of DEPOT_PATH is ["/users/me/.julia", "/usr/local/julia"]; then Julia will look at the following paths to see if they exist:

  1. /home/me/.julia/packages/Priv/HDkr/src/Priv.jl
  2. /usr/local/julia/packages/Priv/HDkr/src/Priv.jl

Julia uses the first of these that exists to load the public Priv package.

Here is a materialized paths map for the App project environment:

paths = Dict{Tuple{UUID,Symbol},String}(
    # Priv – the private one:
    (UUID("ba13f791-ae1d-465a-978b-69c3ad90f72b"), :Priv) =>
        # relative entry-point inside `App` repo:
    # Priv – the public one:
    (UUID("2d15fe94-a1f7-436c-a4d8-07a9a496e01c"), :Priv) =>
        # package installed in the system depot:
    # Pub:
    (UUID("c07ecb7d-0dc9-4db7-8803-fadaaeaf08e1"), :Pub) =>
        # package installed in the user depot:
    # Zebra:
    (UUID("f7a24cb4-21fc-4002-ac70-f0e3a0dd3f62"), :Zebra) =>
        # package installed in the system depot:

This example map includes three different kinds of package locations:

  1. The private Priv package is "vendored" inside of App repository.
  2. The public Priv and Zebra packages are in the system depot, where packages installed and managed by the system administrator live. These are available to all users on the system.
  3. The Pub package is in the user depot, where packages installed by the user live. These are only available to the user who installed them.

Package directories

Package directories provide a kind of environment that approximates package loading in Julia 0.6 and earlier, and which resembles package loading in many other dynamic languages. The set of packages available in a package directory corresponds to the set of subdirectories it contains that look like packages: if X/src/X.jl is a file in a package directory, then X is considered to be a package and X/src/X.jl is the file you load to get X. Which packages can "see" each other as dependencies depends on whether they contain project files or not and what appears in the [deps] sections of those project files.

The roots map is determined by the subdirectories X of a package directory for which X/src/X.jl exists and whether X/Project.toml exists and has a top-level uuid entry. Specifically :X => uuid goes in roots for each such X where uuid is defined as:

  1. If X/Project.toml exists and has a uuid entry, then uuid is that value.
  2. If X/Project.toml exists and but does not have a top-level UUID entry, uuid is a dummy UUID generated by hashing the canonical path of X/Project.toml.
  3. If X/Project.toml does not exist, then uuid is the all-zero nil UUID.

The dependency graph of a project directory is determined by the presence and contents of project files in the subdirectory of each package. The rules are:

As an example, suppose a package directory has the following structure and content:

        import Bobcat
        import Cobra

        Cobra = "4725e24d-f727-424b-bca0-c4307a3456fa"
        Dingo = "7a7925be-828c-4418-bbeb-bac8dfc843bc"

        import Cobra
        import Dingo

        uuid = "4725e24d-f727-424b-bca0-c4307a3456fa"
        Dingo = "7a7925be-828c-4418-bbeb-bac8dfc843bc"

        import Dingo

        uuid = "7a7925be-828c-4418-bbeb-bac8dfc843bc"

        # no imports

Here is a corresponding roots structure, materialized as a dictionary:

roots = Dict{Symbol,UUID}(
    :Aardvark => UUID("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), # no project file, nil UUID
    :Bobcat   => UUID("85ad11c7-31f6-5d08-84db-0a4914d4cadf"), # dummy UUID based on path
    :Cobra    => UUID("4725e24d-f727-424b-bca0-c4307a3456fa"), # UUID from project file
    :Dingo    => UUID("7a7925be-828c-4418-bbeb-bac8dfc843bc"), # UUID from project file

Here is the corresponding graph structure, materialized as a dictionary:

graph = Dict{UUID,Dict{Symbol,UUID}}(
    # Bobcat:
    UUID("85ad11c7-31f6-5d08-84db-0a4914d4cadf") => Dict{Symbol,UUID}(
        :Cobra => UUID("4725e24d-f727-424b-bca0-c4307a3456fa"),
        :Dingo => UUID("7a7925be-828c-4418-bbeb-bac8dfc843bc"),
    # Cobra:
    UUID("4725e24d-f727-424b-bca0-c4307a3456fa") => Dict{Symbol,UUID}(
        :Dingo => UUID("7a7925be-828c-4418-bbeb-bac8dfc843bc"),
    # Dingo:
    UUID("7a7925be-828c-4418-bbeb-bac8dfc843bc") => Dict{Symbol,UUID}(),

A few general rules to note:

  1. A package without a project file can depend on any top-level dependency, and since every package in a package directory is available at the top-level, it can import all packages in the environment.
  2. A package with a project file cannot depend on one without a project file since packages with project files can only load packages in graph and packages without project files do not appear in graph.
  3. A package with a project file but no explicit UUID can only be depended on by packages without project files since dummy UUIDs assigned to these packages are strictly internal.

Observe the following specific instances of these rules in our example:

The paths map in a package directory is simple: it maps subdirectory names to their corresponding entry-point paths. In other words, if the path to our example project directory is /home/me/animals then the paths map would be materialized as this dictionary:

paths = Dict{Tuple{UUID,Symbol},String}(
    (UUID("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), :Aardvark) =>
    (UUID("85ad11c7-31f6-5d08-84db-0a4914d4cadf"), :Bobcat) =>
    (UUID("4725e24d-f727-424b-bca0-c4307a3456fa"), :Cobra) =>
    (UUID("7a7925be-828c-4418-bbeb-bac8dfc843bc"), :Dingo) =>

Since all packages in a package directory environment are, by definition, subdirectories with the expected entry-point files, their paths map entries always have this form.

Environment stacks

The third and final kind of environment is one that combines other environments by overlaying several of them, making the packages in each available in a single composite environment. These composite environments are called environment stacks. The Julia LOAD_PATH global defines an environment stack—the environment in which the Julia process operates. If you want your Julia process to have access only to the packages in one project or package directory, make it the only entry in LOAD_PATH. It is often quite useful, however, to have access to some of your favorite tools—standard libraries, profilers, debuggers, personal utilities, etc.—even if they are not dependencies of the project you're working on. By pushing an environment containing these tools onto the load path, you immediately have access to them in top-level code without needing to add them to your project.

The mechanism for combining the roots, graph and paths data structures of the components of an environment stack is simple: they are simply merged as dictionaries, favoring earlier entries over later ones in the case of key collisions. In other words, if we have stack = [env₁, env₂, …] then we have:

roots = reduce(merge, reverse([roots₁, roots₂, …]))
graph = reduce(merge, reverse([graph₁, graph₂, …]))
paths = reduce(merge, reverse([paths₁, paths₂, …]))

The subscripted rootsᵢ, graphᵢ and pathsᵢ variables correspond to the subscripted environments, envᵢ, contained stack. The reverse is present because merge favors the last argument rather than first when there are collisions between keys in its argument dictionaries. That's all there is to stacked environments. There are a couple of noteworthy features of this design:

  1. The primary environment—i.e.the first environment in a stack—is faithfully embedded in a stacked environment. The full dependency graph of the first environment in a stack is guaranteed to be included intact in the stacked environment including the same versions of all dependencies.
  2. Packages in non-primary environments can end up using incompatible versions of their dependencies even if their own environments are entirely compatible. This can happen when one of their dependencies is shadowed by a version in an earlier environment in the stack.

Since the primary environment is typically the environment of a project you're working on, while environments later in the stack contain additional tools, this is the right tradeoff: it's better to break your dev tools but keep the project working. When such incompatibilities occur, you'll typically want to upgrade your dev tools to versions that are compatible with the main project.


Federated package management and precise software reproducibility are difficult but worthy goals in a package system. In combination, these goals lead to a more complex package loading mechanism than most dynamic languages have, but it also yields scalability and reproducibility that is more commonly associated with static languages. Fortunately, most Julia users can remain oblivious to the technical details of code loading and simply use the built-in package manager to add a package X to the appropriate project and manifest files and then write import X to load X without a further thought.